However I have been delighted by the power of Twitter in uniting fans of the club. Led by Stephen Fry, a Canary himself, Norwich fans the world over have popped up, with 289 fans adding a 'Twibbon' to show their support for the club. Ipswich Town, to give you some context, have 11 Twibbon-declared fans, while of the 'big four', Manchester United and Chelsea currently have fewer fans thans little old Norwich.

Norwich also yesterday achieved something else pretty special in Twitter terms. Having sacked club legend Bryan Gunn in the wake of the opeing day humiliation, they appointed the very manager who inflicted that defeat, Colchester's Paul Lambert.
The news broke at a press conference, but the journalists present were straight on Twitter, as were Sky Sports News viewers. This ties in with the fact that I'm finding Twitter a more reliable and quicker source of up-to-date sports news from regular folk than any mobile applications - and I'm an iPhone owner.
Within minutes the news spread, discussion began and hopes were raised. And Paul Lambert became a top ten trending topic on Twitter. Yes, Norwich City's new manager was, at around 10:30 yesterday morning, one of the ten most discussed things on Twitter, ahead of Glasgow and behind New Moon and District 9.
Admittedly this time of day is pretty much owned by the UK in Twitter terms, but still. I was helpfully sent a Twitpic documenting the momentous occasion, surely never to be repeated. Thankfully our opening day humiliation was kept off the trending topics by England's Ashes capitulation on the same weekend.
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