As I do occasionally out of interest (and mainly to check that I am still above Rick Lamb - America's Premier Horse Racing DJ), I Googled myself this morning. The results were surprising not because I'm top, although that never ceases to amaze me, but because there is a second listing that is indented and incorporates a PlusBox.

The PlusBox expands to show five additional posts, thankfully all of the type that make me look intelligent and like I know what I'm talking about. I'd like to think they reinforce the sort of subjects I talk about, from an apparaisal of Berocca's Blogger Outreach programme (I never got my Berocca Blogger Relief Pack incidentally, despite being told it had been sent) a year ago, to my French Wikipedia-referenced post about Google's Street View Astronaut, and the post which saw me followed on Twitter by a number of new Tweeters who only followed celebrities.

I'm not the only one either. If you search, as I'm sure a lot more people do than search for me, for Nick Burcher, you get a similar range of his wisdom, from Facebook User Statistics to Waitrose Pinatas and Eurovision predictors.

On initial tests of the Beta version, this will not be a feature of Google Caffeine. I'll also fall behind 'the other Rick Lamb'. I definitely prefer the De-Caff version of Google.
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