The 'Humanthesizer' used gratuitously sexy models and technology devised by what the tabloids would call 'boffins' to create a human synthesizer - a top idea.
There's also a 'Making of' video, which has been less popular but is worth a look.
However Calvin, or @calvinharris has gone a bit Lily Allen (rule 1 of 2009 reporting - mention Lily Allen in every context possible) and had a massive rant across a number of tweets this morning about Petridis' Guardian review, which he sees as unfair.

I salute his honesty, and this is the sort of thing guaranteed to be picked up by the papers, probably The Guardian itself, as symbolic of the self-indulgence of celebrities on Twitter.
However, this is the sort of episode, along with the numerous sportsmen faux-pas in the last couple of weeks, which I will go into further in another post, which will see the use of Twitter by celebrities on the wane. I firmly believe Twitter will revert to being used predominantly by those that found it geuninely useful in the first place, and that the mainstream media's constant search for the 'point' of Twitter will not be found in reporting what the likes of Calvin Harris and Bianca Gascoigne have to say on it. It may continue to be used by the likes of the News of the World as an 'overheard' gossip source (as was the case with Lily Allen fancying Andrew Flintoff - she has over a million followers - they all heard it!), but indulgence will only go on as far as it is useful or at the very least entertaining.
If, in the meantime, Harris manages to get more buzz around his single, fair enough, but he is actually creating more buzz around a bad review for his single, which is foolish at best. He seems to be a bit more contrite about it now, however:

Think I prefer the Dave Gorman / Genius piano choir!