Visit Sweden have reacted to the phenomenon of the British recession 'Staycation' by highlighting the proximity and relative benefits of going to Southern Sweden.
They've created a series of virals, all housed on the Visit Sweden website and the Visit Sweden You Tube Channel, featuring a typical Brit called Dave and his foul-mouthed reaction to the wonders of Skane. The idea is Dave is your classic obnoxious British holidaymaker, and you can avoid him by shunning Cornwall for Sweden.
But the campaign doesn't stop at the creative - it's all really well joined up using all your Social Media friends.
There's a Facebook page, showing Dave's a fan of West Ham and Andy McNab.

There's a Twitter profile, @DavegoestoSkane, which reveals he's Dave Smith, a taxi driver from Hackney (I think I know him), and rants about being in Sweden. It's funny, and he's engaging people as well. This is also the first example I've seen where Twitpic is being used to good effect as well. Brilliant.

There's even a Flickr page, which photos of Sweden featuring Dave, like the one below:
The ads themselves are pretty varied and pretty funny.
There's a video of Stenshuvud beach:
The Swedish countryside, in which Dave gives his opinion on the beguiling ancient stones at Ales Stenar:
An appreciation of the lines between Art and Architecture:
And finally Malmo, a captivating city of contrasts:
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