Tuesday, 15 July 2008

My First iPhone 3G Update

I've been a busy boy over the last few days with work and the fact that we've got into Wii Fit at home. I've also taken the plunge, got out of bed early on Friday and am now the proud and slightly nervous owner of an Apple iPhone 3G.

A full day at work and a trip to see the lovely Suzanne Shaw in Chicago on Friday night ate into my fiddling time, and Saturday was when I encountered my first problem. My ageing iBook G4 has finally found something it can't do - update an iPhone 3G. I have upgraded my OS X as far as it will go without having to buy a new version, but my version 10.3.9 won't do - the iPhone 3G needs version 10.4.4 or later.

I managed to get it started on my girlfriend's rather rudimentary PC, so it's operational but only has a couple of Razorlight tracks and some random stuff from the Jam, one of which is wrongly titled which is annoying. I wouldn't have been enormously better off on my own Mac though, as updating to iTunes 7.7 seems to have wiped my library. I'll now have to try and find a way to get stuff from my 30GB iPod video to my iPhone 3G. I'm not hopeful, even with the wonders of Apple's systems.

Anyway I'm still waiting for my number to be ported over as they were a bit flustered in the Carphone Warehouse (which doesn't sell Carphones and isn't a Warehouse. It may as well be called the Cheese factory) and I had to call up myself. They initially denied it could be done after the point of sale but O2 have sorted me out. The consequence is that, not wanting to look like a pimp, I have restricted myself to one phone today.

I'm quite excited about getting my teeth into my new device. There seems to have been a fair bit of negativity about it but some people want the moon on a stick. I'm confident it will prove to be a great acquisition and will blog whenever I find somethign significant. Someone has already told me how to change the format of iTunes tracks into ringtones, which opens up endlessly annoying possibilities.

At the moment I'm favouring this. Ignore the start bit, that's not on the track.

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