Friday, 23 January 2009

Cadbury's Dancing Eyebrows Ad

The new Cadbury's Dairy Milk ad, the follow up to Gorilla and the Airport ads, is another cracker.

It's by Fallon again, and features Freestyle's Don't Stop The Rock as the soundtrack.

I've already blogged about several great TV ads so far this year, with the Virgin Atlantic ad, CompareTheMeerkat, and trylifeinanotherlanguage showing a strong start to the year creatively and that advertisers are still prepared to try new ideas to stand out even in what is now officially a recession.

Internationally, I've also noticed great ads for Lactacyd (be warned, it's a bit gross) and Heineken.

This also gives me a good opportunity to post the T Mobile Liverpool Street dance ad, which I was slow off the mark with but which made me chuckle (although I'm still surprised when the T Mobile logo pops up. I don't seem to make the subconscious association.

UPDATE: I believe the ad, as with the Gorilla and and the remixes, will air during the final of Celebrity Big Brother tonight. Verne Troyer will win, although I reckon Coolio is a good outside bet.

1 comment:

  1. Yeh we mentioned the T-Mobile ad at status this week and I guess it does a similar job to the Gorilla ad, and also potentially the new Cadburys ad in the sense that the product or brands doesnt need to be rammed down your throat, the ad entertains to get attention then they whack the brand on at the end!

    Maybe this ties in with the trend that people are prepared to accept a brand having a message on free content, if it is quality content...

    The bit I dont like about T-Mobile is the people on the phones at the end, it is almost as an attempt to tie it in with a mobile provider...where as the genious/brilliance of the gorilla [and potentially Eye Brows!!?] is they are confident enough to let the ad entertain!
