After my post yesterday on Celebrities on Twitter, she posted a rather revealing tweet about her personal life this afternoon (in the UK) which isn't entirely in line with the sort of stuff she has tweeted in the past.

Britney's shock confession!
Lets hope that, as much comedic value as this has, the spamming/phishing burst that seems to have hit Twitter recently relents sooner rather than later.
Update: They've taken down the offending post. It lives on here though!
Update on the Update: via Mashable: It wasn't just Britney Spears whose Twitter was hacked. Barack Obama and a couple of other 'names' got the treatment too.
The Twitter Blog, talking about what they refer to as 'Monday Morning Madness' reports:
“These accounts were compromised by an individual who hacked into some of the tools our support team uses to help people do things like edit the email address associated with their Twitter account when they can’t remember or get stuck. We considered this a very serious breach of security and immediately took the support tools offline. We’ll put them back only when they’re safe and secure.”
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