Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Dear Mum, For Christmas I would like... USB Mix Tape

It's not that I like everything that's retro per se. I'm just particularly taken with modern things packaged in a retro style. As evidenced by the USB Mix Tape by Suck UK.

I've been familiar with Suck UK's work for a good few years now. If I remember correctly, they used to occupy quite a high-end position and sell mainly out of the likes of Selfridges. They have definitely diversified, however, and are responsible for the Terrorist Tea Pot and the Skate Mirror (see below).

The USB Mix Tape isn't desperately useful in the era of the iPod, but thinking about it neither was the mix tape itself. It was always just as easy to record something fairly bland over a lovingly-prepared mix tape (even more so if the sellotape hadn't been removed from the tabs) as it now would be to end up saving a presentation on your USB Mix Tape. At £20 it's a bit of a pricey novelty item, but the attention to detail on the packaging and the general idea are worthy of a mention.

Just as innovative and really cool is the idea of The Streets to release a version of their album Everything is Borrowed on a USB stick. Not just any old USB stick though, a lighter-shaped USB stick. It could only be cooler if the lighter worked. I am amazed I haven't seen more about this.

I would like to patent the idea of a USB Hard Drive in the shape of a VHS tape, complete with those alphabet stickers to label what's on it. I'm going to get cracking on that when I get a minute.

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