Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Music Shower
I like T-Shirts which include accessories that aren't actually there, in this case earphones.
Available from La Fraise, or at least it was when I posted this.
Shooting Stars Night!
It's also a chance for Ulrika Jonsson to redeem herself in my eyes from the hypocritical newspaper columnist she has become, before almost certainly undermining herself in the Celebrity Big Brother house next week.
If you, like I, can't wait until this evening. Here's a short clip.
Rest assured there will be more Vic and Bob in the new year.
Four o'clock funny - The Side Boob Hour
Monday, 29 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Nat Bubble Tee
$45 from wrongwroks.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Friday, 26 December 2008
Four o'clock funny - Electric Man
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Four o'clock funny - Office Christmas Party
A bit of The Office for Christmas Eve. Only a bit. haven't you got better things to do than look at the internet?
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Pop Corn
Yeah, it's corn with a skateboard. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?
Possibly still available from La Fraise. Possibly not.
Four o'clock funny - I want a fucking car, right fucking now
Planes, Trains and Automobiles is another quintessential Christmas film. The language in this bit isn't very festive I admit. But it is a superb scene, and the film is very Christmassy.
Appropriate for today as a lot of folk will be stressed heading home. Remember - it could be worse.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Four o'clock funny - Home Alone
If you don't associate Home Alone with Christmas, there's either something up with you or you're over 30. Either way, sort you life out.
And here's Home Alone 2. Just the trailers mind. The soundtrack, which I believe is by John Williams, is amazing.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - The Hella Tight Tee
Slightly pricey at $27 from Karmaloop via The Fat Seagull
Four o'clock funny - Nativity
A lovely Christmas Nativity ruined by paedophiles. As always. From Monkey Dust.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Four o'clock funny - Avid Merrion's XXX Christmas Special
I love a bit of Keith Lemon. This is a bit racy so be warned.
Christmas Tune at Noon - Driving Home for Christmas
Friday, 19 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Charlie
I miss Charlie Brown. I'm sincerely hoping that Merry Christmas Charlie Brown is shown over the festive season. Otherwise I'll find it myself and post it on here. Now there's an idea.
Not sold out (woohoo!) but $40 (booo!) from wrongwroks
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Lie Cheat Steal
bold, socially irresponsible statement on said T-Shirt
Tee Du Jour
Snakes & Suits
Four o'clock funny - Christmas Tidings
Mr Cholmondley-Warner with a grave public message.
Christmas Tune at Noon - White Christmas
Here, for those who don't know what i'm on about, is the video for Wild Wild West by Will Smith. The only link you'll ever see between Bing Crosby and Will Smith.
Who's that fat bloke with the beard?
No, not you're dad. Santa, of course. If, like me, you've not been very good at keeping your room tidy and used a little more blue language than you should have, then I imagine you're probably getting a little nervous around this time of year. I mean, it's bad enough having your girlfriend judging you without some mysterious bloke with a penchant for sweet pastry deciding whether or not you deserve that new bike you've always wanted.
Fortunately, this year, Google (assisted by some rather important sounding American military-esque types) have developed something which will allow us to stay one step ahead of the portly reindeer-botherer. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command) have teamed up with Google to 'track' Santa as soon as he leaves the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Using such high-tech tracking devices as 'Santa cams', they will track his movements and feed the information through to your mobile, directly to iGoogle, or in 3D using Google Earth. More information is available here.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Nice Pair
From 80's Purple.
Four o'clock funny - Here's your Cristmas card
Christmas Tune at Noon - Cliff Richard
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Hattori Hanso by Don Roboto
Four o'clock funny - Knowing Me, Knowing Yule
Bridging the gap into Christmassy funnies is Alan Partridge.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Four o'clock funny - Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Unbelievable
Christmas Tune at Noon - Geraldine McQueen
Incidentally, Peter Kay's Britain's Got the X Factor... and then some! Will be on next Friday and, if it's anywhere near as good as Britain's Got The Pop Factor, it'll be a real treat.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Noah's Arcade
If you don't know where it's from, I'm not going to tell you. But you need to watch more movies.
It's available from BustedTees.
Noah's Arcade
Four o'clock funny - Take a chance, chance, take a chance
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - DoraBob by Wrongwroks
Check if they're back in stock at wrongwroks.
Four o'clock funny - Ladies of the World
If you ever need a good comedy song, you can't look further than Flight of the Conchords. Loving Jermaine's 'tache.
Sneaks Du Jour - Even More Barneys x Converse
I found out about these from SLAMXHYPE
Who found out about it from Complex.
Christmas Tune at Noon - All I Want For Christmas Is You
On the plus side there is a rather delightful black and white version of Mariah performing as if it was 1964. No, I don't know why either. Mariah has been in the news this week because she might be pregnant. Good luck with that, Mariah's potential offspring.
And to bring the song bang up to date here's Miley Cyrus's version of All I Want For Christmas Is You, performed at Disnleyland last year. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say it could be the recording, but she sounds well like The Chipmunks.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Emergency Exit by Pamparampa
For the princely sum of €12.95, you can't really argue. Depending on the current exchange rate.
From Pamparampa
Four o'clock funny - I know a song that'l get on your nerves
Sneaks Du Jour - Even More Alexander McQueen by Puma
Having said that, Alexander McQueen for Puma's AMQ Spine Mid Velcro is actually a very smart little sneaker.
All the Alexander McQueen Puma Black Label stuff is from Sneaker Freaker.
Christmas Tune at Noon - Slade
Apparently Noddy Holder does the voice of the lifts in Walsall Art Gallery. Now if that's not a reason to go to Walsall, I don't know what is.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Steal this tee
Available from 80's Purple.
Four o'clock funny - If you don't know me by now...
Simply Red's Greatest Hits is in the charts at the moment. Someone said on Radio One the other day, "Who's buying that?". Not me, obviously, but I do have a big soft spot for them. I think this song was on the first compilation tape I owned. Not David Brent's version, clearly.
Sneaks Du Jour - Chuck Taylor Skate
I'm not a big fan of skateboarding sneakers generally, but these retain the feel of your common or garden cons.
Available from Converse Skateboarding from the New Year, for $55 or so.
From Complex
Christmas Tune at Noon - Stay Another Day
I have always admired East 17's ability to consistently pronounce 'th' as 'f', so not betraying their roots.
'Don't fink I can take the pain'
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Four o'clock funny - Free Love Freeway
I'm feeling musical this week. Come on, you know the words.
She's not dead.
Sneaks Du Jour - Adidas Forum Hi Double Goose
Apparently inspired by the material favoured on the leather jackets of the original rap stars of the 1980s, and available from Adidas Originals for around $150.
Christmas Tune at Noon - It's beginning to look a lot like...
We put our tree up last night. The lights worked then stopped as soon as the tree went on but, in the middle of the night, a Christmas miracle occured and they came on!
Here's a classic 1958 version by a young Perry Como:
This is a, much later, live version!
Dear Mum, For Christmas I would like... ASOS Disk Dial Watch
This actually looks a bit like a set of bathroom scales. In a good way.
From ASOS for the standard £35
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Captain Awesome
From Threadless.
Four o'clock funny - Islands in the Stream
Christmas Tune at Noon - The Darkness
. Justin Hawkins also descended into a bit of rock cliche.
Apologies for letting the Christmas Tune at Noon thing slide. It's Christmas. I've been busy.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Hello
From Goodie Two Sleeves.
Four o'clock funny - It's the lyrics more than anything
This is why Gavin and Stacey is funny. If you don't like this, you won't like it.
Norwich City 'social network' takes off
Using Jaiku and Twitter streams, Rick Waghorn and the My Football Writer team posted updates throughout the East Anglian Derby match yesterday afternoon, which resulted in a 2-0 victory for Norwich (hurrah!). This is the first example of a 4IP-funded digital innovation, apparently, and it's a slow starter with the high-profile help of not only being the first such project but also having the attention of Twitter-addicted Canary Stephen Fry, who actually brought my attention to it as I follow his feed.

I've long been angered by My Football Writer as an internet property due to their occasional demands for a subscription of £1.50 per month (does anyone pay for online content these days?) in order to see what is, essentially, a blog staffed by professional journalists.

The 'innovation' of posting to a stream on Twitter (I'm not a Jaiku user) is no such thing. Even Rick Waghorn, the former East Daily Press man behind the project, failed to build it up, saying:
That's all we're doing; hooking up with those two service providers, streaming the two 'feeds' together and turning them into a rolling conversation. Creating a 'community conversation' which us, as journalists, are increasingly obliged to join.
'All we're doing'? 'obliged to join'? Not exactly a ringing endorsement is it? Neither is it an innovation, as my first search for an Arsenal stream on Twitter revealed one more active and much older than it's 'groundbreaking' Norwich counterpart.

Mind you, at least Mr Waghorn and his friends are better at using Twitter than a work experience journalist at the Norwich Evening News, who used the site to ask whether, in her blagged lead on the weekend's important local derby, she had managed to disguise her lack of knowledge with 'bullshit'. Maybe, but you'd have undermined it, and the publication that would appoint a clueless work-ex to write a piece many fans would have paid to write.

I don't generally want to post negative things on this site, and the vast majority of what I write in relation to my work and media in general only relates to things I've come across that I like, but I feel this needed to be raised. Through reading blogs and speaking to people within the industry, I am aware of genuine innovations the world over on a daily basis. It's somewhat disappointing that this, which seems eminently PR-able, seems to fall way short of what might be expected from a fund for digital innovation.
Dear Mum, For Christmas I would like... Jellymon Shanghai Watch
There are a load of styles which don't have pistols on, but I preferred this. It's made by Jellymon in collaboration with the Shanghai Watch Co and W+K, and available from the likes of Colette and Kidrobot.
Jizz in My Pants - Lonely Island
I'm fully aware this blog is becoming increasingly puerile, but I think it's best to present my personality.
This is from Saturday Night Live in the states. It still amazes me, and frustrates me, that nobody in the UK has picked this up. The group are called Lonely Island and are apparently Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone. The girl behind the till is Meadow Soprano, aka Jamie-Lynn Sigler.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Schizophrenia
Available, hence the dog, from La Fraise.
Four o'clock funny - Telekenisis
Garth Merenghi's Darkplace. This is the last of my clips. I would fully recommend watching all of these. As you can tell, it's all over You Tube.
Sneaks Du Jour - More Barneys x Converse
Available from Barneys from February.
East Anglian Derby Day
For nostalgia's sake, here's a picture of Jeremy Goss scoring the winner for Norwich at Bayern Munich in 1993, a time when the nation's gaze briefly turned to the Canaries' UEFA Cup exploits. I have recently grown an affection for Ed Balls, the MP, after he said in The Guardian that one thing he would change would be that we'd have beaten Inter Milan in the third round and gone on to win the tournament.
Incidentally I'm considering, on the advice of a more experienced blogger than myself, amalgamating my oft-neglected football blog, Let's Be Havin' You! into this site. I'm mulling it over. Any thoughts would be welcome.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Tee Du Jour - Everyone Steals by wrongwroks
I love this one. I want it.
Sold out at wrongwroks.
Four o'clock funny - Understood? As Crystal
Some quality dialogue here. Where from? Garth Merenghi's Darkplace you fool!
Sneaks Du Jour - More Alexander McQueen by Puma
That's a shark's tooth on the side, and a little bid of Alexander McQueen branding for your troubles.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Petrol Station, Sliema, Malta
On closer inspection, namely when a car pulled up, it turned out to be the most inconspicuous petrol station forecourt I've ever seen.
The pumps were completely different to the enormous efforts we get nowadays, and it was serviced by a friendly attendant as well.
Tee Du Jour - I don't actually know who this is
First, the girl in the first one is cute.
Second, you can't tell what the shirt says in the first one, which is kind of the point, but I didn't want to just show the image out of context because then it wouldn't necessarily even be a T-Shirt and anyway the girl on the context picture is cute.
I find this funny because it's true. I have a pair of 3/4 length trousers, a confession in itself, with a guy's face on one of the legs and I've never bothered to find out who it is. Guesses have ranged from Don King to Malcolm X. It's probably one of them.
Available from Vig Tees for 20 'bucks'
Four o'clock funny - That's All We Know Rick
More Darkplace, this time featuring Julian Barrett.
Sneaks Du Jour - Even More Adidas SL 72 Vintage
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