The first time was in the supermarket, when I saw this:

Unless you've been under a rock for the last week, you must have noticed that Wimbledon is on. Pringles have, as far as I can ascertain, no link to Wimbledon at all. Crisps aren't really associated with tennis, after all.
The fact that Pringles are sold in the same tubes you get tennis balls in, however, is a free association. Making the green packs, Sour Cream and Chive, into a tennis reference is brilliant, and builds an association for when you're choosing your barbecue snacks for Wimbledon fortnight.
I'd be interested to see if there is any substantial uplift in sales of these packs. I hope so.
Secondly, I was put onto this banner, which is nominated in the Cannes Cyber Lions Gold category. It's one of the simplest, most effective pieces of online display advertising I've ever seen.

Try The Pringles Cannes Cyber Lions Gold Banner here. You will laugh, I guarantee.
Nick Burcher wrote back in November about Pringles running a UGC TV Ad competition as a major part of their Christmas campaign, so they're consistently doing good stuff.

I've also just stumbled across Night Club Pringles, courtesy of Tabloid Prodigy. What does a Night Club taste like?
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