On the day the Evening Standard stopped apologising for itself and rebranded with a bunch of promises and a new name and look - London Evening Standard and a strange shade of orange running through it - thelondonpaper answered the question, 'How do you promote something that's already free against something that is being given away as a promotion?' in emphatic fashion.
While vendors of The Standard found their voice in loudly declaring their giveaway, the eyes of commuters across London will have drifted towards the bags of free chocolate attached to thelondonpaper's trolleys.
Using the great line 'Free has never been so valuable', thelondonpaper really stole a march on The Standard, which has 650,000 copies to give out today. It seems ages since I've heard a paid-for newspaper vendor outside of the north west (they're famous for it in Bolton) loudly flogging their wares from behind a stall. That it is when the title is free is a sign of the times.
Quite how around 1.5million free papers are going to find their way into the hands of Londoners this evening is anyone's guess, but I suspect the chocolate will help shift a few copies of thelondonpaper. The strangest part to my mind is that I'm now aware that free Kitkat senses were also given away with Hello magazine this week. Surely a massive trick missed on the part of The Standard in that The Artist Formerly Known As London's Quality Newspaper would seem to fit more in line with Hello than its downmarket News International competitor.
There's some talk of the stunt on Twitter, but not much. It appears Mars have announced some sort of 'Free Chocolate Friday' promotion in America which is getting more traction.

There's also some confusion over who is giving away the free chocolate, with London Lite getting some credit.

And others getting the paper but not the chocolate.

Possibly because of the greed of the few.

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