Saturday, 28 February 2009
Let's Dance For Comic Relief - Robert Webb does Flashdance
Tee Du Jour - Rotary by Cartel
Cartel's site is here, but you'll have to go hunt through a few retailers for their latest collection.
Friday, 27 February 2009
Tee Du Jour - Solid Goldaroid
They're apparently based in an LA garage, which I would love to be able to claim aside from the fact I live in London and don't have a garage.
SGH also has a wicked dinosaur logo, and I love this because Polaroid cameras as we know them are now dead as they've stopped producing film. Booo!
$18 will net you one of these.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Tee Du Jour - Jackin Club Beats
This is a pretty retro effort from a guy called Adam Powell. It's called Jackin Club Beats, but I like it because it has a cassette on it and I miss cassettes.
Have a look for yourself at Spunky
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Tee Du Jour - Bang Tidy!
Lemon has quite a few neat turns of phrase, but my particular favourite is the use of the phrase 'Bang Tidy' to describe a decent bit of skirt.
Get it now for under £15 from CharGrilled
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Tee Du Jour - Arcade Stick
Their latest offering is this Arcade Stick tee, which also features a healthy dose of Japanese. You like?
Available from Retro GT. It's less than £15 at the moment too, so get involved.
Monday, 23 February 2009
Tee Du Jour - Mexican Basketball Association
As far as I can tell, the comedic relationship between the US and Mexico is pretty similar to that between the English and the Irish. For some reason this t-shirt reminds me of the song World in Motion, with the line 'Express yourself, it's Juan on Juan". Just me then.
Buy it from Busted Tees, click the product or the link below:
Mexican Basketball Association: Juan on Juan
You Have One New Message
The other day I was wandering up Goldsmith's Row towards Broadway Market. I was in observant mood and saw this poster:
Just in case I had suspected it might be anything to do with Banksy (I don't know why I would have, it bore none of his hallmarks), someone had helpfully added a sticker to disabuse me of the notion. Someone else had seen fit to be fiercely critical of both Banksy and whoever was responsible for this.
Further up the road, outside the offy I once frequented, I spotted a sticker:
Does this mean that the 'Many' and 'Sales' are someone else's work? I'm confused. I did, however, spot the name 'EROSIE' on the bottom of the small sticker, and followed it up.
leads from the very impressive 'under construction' page into a blog, by E.Rosie from Eindhoven in Holland. I've had a scout around and can't find any explanation of the work, but it is referenced so it's clearly the right person.
If anyone knows anything else about this, please let me know as I like to know the story behind these things, mostly so I can bore people about them.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
I'm Sure She Knows Dearie
Tee Du Jour - Sex, Drugs & Sausage Rolls
. They also flogged the Twestival charity tee.
However, this post is about sex, drugs and sausage rolls. I genuinely really like this t-shirt and am likely to be spotted sporting one soon.
Even before any discounts, this is available for the princely sum of 15 of the Queen's Pounds.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Grandma Marilyn
Anyway I took the plunge and splurged £1.19 on Quad Camera. And it is mint.
You'll have to forgive my frankly amateur efforts at photography, but even my limited skills allow for some pretty funky images. The image above is from a pan across the shutters of a shop near the top of Brick Lane. I like it anyway.
Tee Du Jour - White Skinny Rich
What floats my boat is a nice green t-shirt with a meaningless but mildly provocative statement. It's $56 but I'm not entirely certain if that's US dollars or New Zealand dollars. So it could be good value or not.
Play the t-shirt currency lottery at Kowtow.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Tee du Jour - The Return
The tee below is one of many from T-Shirt Hell, who recently promoted themselves across a number of T-Shirt Blogs by claiming they were closing down due to the amount of hate mail they receive. A clever ploy, and no mistake. It flogged 100,000 T-Shirts, after all, but didn't exactly endear them to the fraternity.
This bad boy will set you back $19. From T-Shirt Hell.
Watch out next week for the big return of Sneaks du Jour.
T-Mobile Bus Ad - Look Closely
Stolen from It's Nice That and done by the good people at Saatchi & Saatchi.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Family Guy Christian Bale Spoof
This is superb. Of all the Christian Bale rant spoofs going around at the moment, and there are a few, Family Guy have nailed it. Of course, they've got a bit more cash than the average Joe, but that's not the point.
A temporary return for the Four O'Clock Funny too!
Wash Your Mouth Out!
Listen out for the random 'I love you'.
This is actually quite therapeutic.
the sopranos, uncensored. from victor solomon on Vimeo.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
New ad - I'm sure they had this in mind all along hit the TV hard in the post-Christmas land grab for Car Insurance and Car Insurance Comparison sites. Their new interface was the focus for the ads, rather than the frankly irritating cartoon world type ads they'd previously used for what seems like an eternity.
In the shadow of the positive feeling and perception of Compare the Market following the ads, Confucius has popped up.
Given how keen Confused were to piggyback their SEM activity onto keywords, even using specific creative despite the fact that searchers were after the meerkat himself rather than car insurance, they haven't done themselves any favours in terms of not appearing to have hastily rushed out an imitation.
Confucius is basically a cross between Aleksandr the Meerkat and Yoda, which bizarrely makes him look quite a lot like Chris Moyles. Yet they have still not moved away from trying to promote the values of the site, which seems much less like the brave step taken by Compare the Market and more gimmicky.
That's not to say that people won't imitate and interact with the character in the same way they have done with Aleksandr the Meerkat, although I can't find any evidence of the character on the likes of Twitter. They've also made the rather elementary error of picking a name that is already established as something else. Confused indeed.
You can see the ad and judge for yourself here:
Tic Tacs recreate missed Everton goal
This is a great bit of work from a brand, Tic Tacs who have already had an enormous amount of exposure from a chance occurence. Dan Gosling will be happy that his first goal for Everton has been immortalised in Tic Tac form.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Has anyone lost a key?
resting serenely on a window ledge.
There's no discernible way of opening the window so I literally have
no idea what they are for.
I've left them there just in case.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Guardian Chalkboards - Settle The Argument
If, like me, you read The Guardian of a weekend, you'll be familiar with the likes of David Pleat providing analysis in the form of complicated diagrams showing a load of numbered sperm swimming around a big green box. Pleat, Steve Claridge and David James are used as examples of how the new interactive chalkboard facility can be used to juxtapose different players and different matches to prove or disprove a theory about said player.
I was struggling for inspiration this morning but had a quick play with the tool, which can be found at You can choose any game from the Premier League from the last three seasons, and track passes, shots, tackles, clearances, interceptions - you name it. This is all available broken down player-by-player.

You can compare one match to another, and save and share your findings with notes about what exactly you're trying to prove. I managed to find Paul Robinson's goal for Tottenham against Watford to see just how far it traveled. Bloody miles is the answer.

This is a great and really unique feature, and the sort of thing The Guardian does really well. The most interactivity most football sites manage is Fantasy League or at best weekly score predictions.
I was actually hoping there would be the chance to draw in players and movements, which would have created the opportunity to be a bit artistic and possibly even mischievous. Hopefully that will be the next stage.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Robbie Keane Virgin Trains Tactical Ad
In actual fact, what they are promising is that they will get you to Liverpool and back from London in six months. Which is about the best they can do. I see what they're trying to do, but surely there have been quicker u-turns that would have left them less open to ridicule?
You Tube putting title and rating on embedded videos - when did this happen?
Well done ITV
Hang on, why are there adverts on? I'm sure the match hasn't finished. It'll be funny if this is a mistake and someone scores...
Good job ITV, good job.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Playmobil Founder Hans Beck RIP
This also gives me an excuse to post this excellent Michael Jackson Playmobil figure.
More quality adaptations of Playmobil here.
Celebrity Stalking - Sharon Horgan
A strange thing just happened to me. I'd been thinking of referencing every time I see a famous face and posting a little something about them. I created a rule for myself that I've yet to have to implement, whereby if I see the same celebrity three times, I have to speak to them. Watch out Cheeky Girls and Eddie Izzard, is all I'm saying.
Anyway I've also been meaning to get into the comedy Pulling, about which I've heard great things. There was an ad last night for the series starting on Dave 'on Tuesday at 9:30'. Note to Dave, if you show an ad on a Monday, people can reasonably assume that, by Tuesday, you mean tomorrow. They don't, they mean next Tuesday.
Anyway, the reason this links is because the woman in the ad was just unloading a child from a car near my office. Sharon Horgan her name is, apparently (I did a small amount of research) and she's Irish and very funny. According to Wikipedia, she was one of the writers on the excellent Monkey Dust.
I'm using this as a flimsy excuse to post the first clip I found on You Tube of Pulling, in lieu of the recent slacking off in the Four O'Clock Funny.
Incidentally, I'm probably going to bin off the Four O'Clock Funny unless anyone is particularly attached to it, and focus on more ad hoc posting in the hope it will discourage laziness.
Funky Stuff - Breaktime
If these guys don't get commissioned to make an ad or a music video soon then something is sorely wrong with the world.
I'll be posting up some of their other stuff in the coming days.
Breaktime from Gangpol & Mit on Vimeo.
The Most Amazing 'Talent' Display in a Beauty Pageant. Ever.
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