CompareTheMarket have brought out a new ad to tell everyone about the updates made to the new website.
The new advert starring Sergei from IT and, of course, Aleksandr the Meerkat, follows on from the Compare the Meerkat Blooper reel and Aleksandr's appearance in the BBC's Comic Relief ad which featured a brainstorm involving classic TV ad characters such as the Honey Monster.
The site has been updated to include features based on feedback from the ComparetheMeerkat Facebook fan page and Aleksandr Orlov's Twitter followers. It also adds functionality to allow for better meerkat comparison and for easier sharing of meerkats on Facebook and other social media.
I just discovered these ZweiPhone stickers for the iPhone on the Colette Blog.
Basically they allow you to have an iPhone but appear to have a rubbish phone. The best of both worlds. Want your iPhone to look like a late 90s Sony Ericsson or Samsung? Done.
I want this one.
UPDATE: There are 14 available in total and they come in a set for 25 Euroes - now available from Colette.