Using the latest technology, you can now run your mobile phone camera over the bizarre-looking icon below to access this blog. This may sound like a slightly pointless exercise, but if we follow the lead of the Japanese (which we often do, if considerably behind), we'll go QR crazy in the next few months. 
QR stands for Quick Response and works in a similar way to barcodes. You'll soon be seeing these on adverts and, if people here go as far as our Oriental cousins, on clothing or even in the form of body art.
If you want to see how it works, access to download the software to your phone, then hover over the image below to see what happens. It works, trust me.

QR stands for Quick Response and works in a similar way to barcodes. You'll soon be seeing these on adverts and, if people here go as far as our Oriental cousins, on clothing or even in the form of body art.
If you want to see how it works, access to download the software to your phone, then hover over the image below to see what happens. It works, trust me.
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